Anderson Capital Corporation

Anderson Capital Corporation provides investment banking and consulting services to the financial services industry and technology companies.

    Anderson Capital was formed in 1993 to provide investment banking and consulting services to the financial services industry and technology companies.  These services include mergers & acquisitions, divestitures, search assignments, strategic alliances, the private placement of debt or equity, strategic planning and consulting.  Anderson Capital has closed numerous transactions in each of the following industry segments:



  •  Conforming Mortgage Lending
  •  Non-conforming Mortgage Lending
  •  Commercial/Multi-Family Mortgage Lending    
  •  Mortgage Servicing    
  •  Banking
  •  Technology Companies



    The depth of experience possessed by Anderson Capital includes initiating and closing numerous transactions ranging in size of $5 million to in excess of $100 million involving both privately owned and publicly-traded companies.


    A significant element of "value-added" Anderson Capital offers its clients in its extensive experience in the investment banking, mortgage banking, banking and technology 6industries, which includes executive operating experience.  We believe this background provides Anderson Capital with a unique perspective in identifying and actuating our cliient's objectives.  Anderson Capital takes a proactive approach in each assignment ensuring that it understands each client's operations and strategic objectives before it recommends alternative courses of action.  During all phases of a transaction confidentiality is assiduously maintained. 



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